January 6, 2007: UnMatch the Hatch
Southern reservoirs are loaded with shad and sometimes you have to get your bait noticed to trigger a strike. Jim Saric and Charlie Buhler tackle a southern reservoir early in the season at a time when most northern waters are still frozen.

January 13, 2007: Trophy Hunt
Jim Saric and Tom Sullivan search, find, battle and release trophy muskies in mid-summer, while discussing the differences between trophy and action waters.

January 20, 2007: Crazy 8s
A properly executed figure 8 at boat side is a deadly maneuver. Jim Saric and Jim Bortz show you the effectiveness of this technique with some incredible boat side strikes.

January 27, 2007: Sea of Shad
Jim Saric and Charlie Buhler troll a Midwest reservoir searching for muskies herding shad in early season. Trolling can be feast or famine at this time, but when you find a pack of muskies, it is pandemonium.

February 3, 2007: Big Water Bruisers
Big water and big muskies go hand-in-hand. Jim Saric and Gregg Thomas conquer some big waves and dissect some big spots, while fighting some big muskies.

February 10, 2007: Pieces of the Puzzle
Early season can be unpredictable. Despite brutal post-frontal conditions, Jim Saric and Steve Heiting scrutinize several early season patterns, including open-water suspended muskies.

February 17, 2007: Summer Strategies
Catching muskies in mid-summer requires fishing long hours and applying various techniques. In this two-part episode, Jim Saric and Frank Walter (Farm and City Insurance contest winner) speed troll; and, Jim Saric and Tom Sullivan illustrate some topwater fundamentals.

February 24, 2007: Autumn Assault
Fall actually begins earlier than some realize. Jim Saric and Ted Takasaki, President of Lindy, discuss the many environmental factors that signal a shallow movement of big muskies.

March 3, 2007: Make Them Bite
The heat of the summer requires many different approaches. Jim Saric and Mike Hulbert explore multiple presentations from topwater to soft plastics to trigger strikes.

March 10, 2007: Night Stalkers
Fishing pressure and boating traffic often drive muskies into a night feed. Jim Saric and Chad Cain engage in a night stalking expedition for big muskies.

March 3, 2007: Fall Frenzy
Fall represents a changing of the seasons and with it, changing water conditions. In this two-part episode, Jim Saric and Jim Stewart, owner of Rollie and Helen’s Musky Shop, discuss some weed patterns; and then, Jim Saric and Dennis Radloff tackle some river muskies.

March 24, 2007: TBA

March 31, 2007: TBA